You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the Slider Revolution files js inclusion.
To fix this, you can:
    1. Set 'Module General Options' -> 'Advanced' -> 'jQuery & OutPut Filters' -> 'Put JS to Body' to on
    2. Find the double jQuery.js inclusion and remove it

Ambiance® Fireplaces & Grills

Discover United Buyers Group’s® privately owned brand of fireplaces designed with the input of over 100 veteran fireplace store owners and installers, from coast to coast.

The result is an exclusive design and engineering to bring you features you simply cannot find elsewhere in one fireplace.

We Love Fire®

We Love Fire® is the best source of knowledge available in North America to guide and inspire homeowners toward finding what they really want when it comes to selecting the right type of fireplace, grill, outdoor firepit and fire table. UBG® Members are passionate about their business, they all love fire! Let’s face it, in pretty much all we do, we set fire in people’s home, deck and backyards. Fire not only provides warmth to our environment, it is the center of great memories we cherish through our lifetime. We are proud to claim ‘We Love Fire’!

About UBG®

United Buyers Group® (UBG®) is dedicated to the fireplace, BBQ and Outdoor Living industry. We unite a network of more than 380 Specialty Stores across the United States and Canada. Formed in 2000, UBG® has grown to become the largest group of its kind representing independent businesses specializing in the fireplace, BBQ and Patio Furniture industry.

When UBG co-founder Roy Mjelde stopped by our shop about 15 years ago, we had no idea what UBG was. Today, it is indispensable to everything we do, including our long-term strategy of ever-increasing independence from unreasonable demands of some manufacturers. In our showroom we proudly display many of UBG’s exclusive private-label Ambiance brand fireplaces. The impact of Best Practice Sharing among fellow UBG member dealers is huge. With carefully selected vendor relationships with European & North American manufacturers, all UBG member dealers are stronger thanks to UBG’s tireless research & relationship-building skills. This represents strategic leverage that no UBG member dealer could possibly achieve on our own. UBG’s servant leaders are all about the mission of “elevating one another to achieve everyone’s full potential.Mark James - Green Energy Concepts, Inc.
My name is George Hill and I am the owner of Ultimate Home Comfort in Halifax, NS. We have been UBG® members for over 5 years and have enjoyed the extra discounts afforded us by the group to increase our gross margin dollars as well as cashing a 5 figure rebate cheque the last two years. The group allows me to operate my business independently of the large distributors and manufacturers who constantly threaten and use other means to get me to buy or continue to buy their products. Prior to this it was an annual fight with one large distributor to try and keep lines we had built up for them for the last 17 years, they didn’t care about our previous business, they just wanted to sell more products and threatened us every year about taking their products to our competitors in the area if we didn’t reach certain targets for sales. Between the extra money in our pockets and the stress relief of not having to worry about ultimatums from our distributor it has improved my bottom line and my quality of life. I highly recommend the benefits of joining the group.George Hill - Ultimate Home Comfort in Halifax, NS

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